
Showing posts from August, 2019
Books to Read Books are one of my favourite topics to talk about. They can entertain and also teach us. Books have their own world. They can speak directly to our soul and make us realise that we are not alone in this world . "There is no friend as loyal as book." Here are some of the books which i have read and also recommend you to read. "The monk who sold his Ferrari" This is a story about Julian Mantle, a successfull lawyer, who used to live a life of luxury, dignity and power. One day in middle of a packed court room, he collapsed due to heart attack . He revived but decided to leave his stressfull life . After selling his beloved Ferrari, he went in quest of sprituality and true meaning of life and came to India . This book defines simplicity in every walks of life. If you want to be more -- 1.productive 2.positive 3.happy 4.determined to your mission 5 disciplined then you must read this book TO BUY THIS CLICK HERE:  https://a
Study Tips      Study is an important part of our life and when it gets organized and planned, it becomes more fruitful. Studying can be tiresome , specially when you are under a lot of pressure. Here are some useful tips for you to study better: Ø   STUDY FOR 30 MINUTES AT A TIME :     Uninterrupted study sessions of half hour are a must. Have multiple sessions of 30 minutes rather than 1 session of 2 hours! Our brain can easily retain information from the first and the last 15 minute of studying. This means that whatever you read in between will likely be forgetten.So in order to make into our long term memory, we must study only for 30 minutes at a time. Studying hours and hours will be like spending a whole day searching a grain from bushes and at the end of the day, it will be of no use! Ø   TAKE  A BREAK :                                                                                               After 30 minutes of studying, t