Books to Read

Books are one of my favourite topics to talk about. They can entertain and also teach us. Books have their own world. They can speak directly to our soul and make us realise that we are not alone in this world .

"There is no friend as loyal as book."

Here are some of the books which i have read and also recommend you to read.

"The monk who sold his Ferrari"

This is a story about Julian Mantle, a successfull lawyer, who used to live a life of luxury, dignity and power. One day in middle of a packed court room, he collapsed due to heart attack . He revived but decided to leave his stressfull life . After selling his beloved Ferrari, he went in quest of sprituality and true meaning of life and came to India .

This book defines simplicity in every walks of life. If you want to be more --

4.determined to your mission
5 disciplined
then you must read this book


"The diary of a young girl"

This bok will make you encounter the horrific conditions during the second world war. The diary is of Anne Frank, a thirteen year old girl whose positive and optimistic attitude even in that terrific conditions, will definitely blow your mind. If you :
  •  always complain about your life and condition.
  • have lost your hope to succeed.
  • have no confidence in yourself.

Then this book is made for you


"Gone Girl"

One of the best psychological thriller of all time . It is a fiction read. What all I can tell you about this book is that there is a girl name Amy, wife of Nick Dunne ,and she suddenly disappears on thier fifth wedding aniversary! Everything else is a suspense. It will definitely freak you out!!!!

At the end of each chapter you will create your own perspective about Amy and Nick but in the next moment, it will seem like someone shatter your huge house of mirrors by just throwing a stone !!.
If you :
  • If you are reading self help books in a while and want to have a change.
  • If you wants to experience live thrills by just holding a book.
  • If you loves reading suspense novels.

Then this book is a definite read for you.


"Who says you cannot, you do"

This book is one of the best self help book, I have ever read. It has changed my way of thinking. After reading this book, you will stop complaining and starts working! The author himself is an inspiration. He opens up his life and learnings in this book. It contains a lot of life changing tasks. So if you are someone who wants :
  • Fulfillment, you have been seeking
  • Practical implement of life changing tasks.
  • Wants to have a clarity within yourself regardless of where you are in life.

Then this book is made for you.


"The Great Gatsby"

The Great Gatsby is a classical novel by F.SCOTT FITZGERALD. By reading this book you can learn great lessons about love, true friendship and how money is not everything in the world. The story is set in USA during the 20s and tells the story of a buisnessmen, Gatsby. The story is told from the perspective of Nick Carrayway who works as bond broker in New York. The story is narrated by Nick on his journey about discovering more about Gatsby. You will definitely falls in love with this Gatsby !

I must say, for beginners , it could be hard to read beacuse the story moves slowly even though the book is not too long. The author has a beautiful way of words and you can find many quotes that will sound so good.You can have a good read and really enjoy the book.

If you are someone:

  • who wants great relationship with family and friends.
  • want to see the world besides money.
  • wants to know the true meaning of friendship and love. 

Then you must read it.



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