7 Ways To Develop Positive Attitude

" Even when i cant see the light at the end of the tunnel, I still believe it'there."

Importance of success is something we all know. If we truly want to be successful then we must develop positive attitude in life. There are many times when we get frustrated from our studies or frighten from our grades .But there is nothing to worry about .All you need is to be hopeful and optimistic .This can be achieved by being consistently positive in your life. Take it easy ! It does not mean that you have to worry about every single negative thought you have in your mind and start doubting yourself. 

Is the answer in any unwanted situation is  just "positive thinking" ?  Imagine you are walking down a street and someone informs you that your house is in fire. I bet you will get tense and all that creepy thoughts will come to your brain. And when you confirms the news , there will be no trace for positivity lectures! But wait if you have positive attitude towards life then your brain will instantly switch to " seek solution mode."

"Adversity is a fact of life. It can not be controlled. What we can control is how we react to it."

There are many times when we see failures but one should never give up!. A necessary quality of a successful person  is to be hopeful even at the time of crisis. It is in our hand to avoid distractions .and get focused.

You may not realize it when it happens ,but a goog kick in the teeth may be the best thing in the world for you "      _ WALT DISNEY

See, changing your attitude from negative to positive is a difficult task but not impossible. Having a positive attitude will help you to properly assess the situation and accordingly plan your lives. I have listed 7 ways to adopt the positive attitude:

1.    I can change my present! :
 Remember your past does not determine your future, your strategy and focus does. In whatever position you currently consider yourself, there is always room for growth.

2.    I am my own competition! :
 Do not worry about what others are doing or how they are doing. Compete with yourself and no one else. You are the one who demotivates and underestimate you. Try to break your old habits by creating pressure within yourself.

3.    I will do my best now! :
 Do your best effort and leave no stone unturned and you will for sure surprise yourself and others. Even if you are facing repeated failures, you must try to figure things out and try to give your best .The best learning material in your life is your failures !

4.    I know how to work smart not just hard! :
 There are a lot of times we put so much effort but did not get the desired result. This is because we lack in understanding the importance of planning and having a right strategy to work on. Every successful person has a plan and strategy then why don’t you? So start planning your day. Giving 30 minutes each day is not a big deal!!!

5.    No unfair means! :
 Do not use any kind of unfair means to get success because this kind of success is momentary.  In quest of success there are many times when our greed overtakes our mind and we try to make excuses .These excuses make room for foul success and opens the gate for your downfall .So stop fooling yourself because everywhere you go there you are !!

6.    I am at the driver’s seat :
 Remind yourself that this is “YOUR” life and “YOU” are at the driver’s seat , and it is time for you to take charge if you want the future you see yourself in. Don’t think that “Bill Gates” will come to your house and will give you 1 million dollars!

7.    I am possible :
 Believe me you can do anything you put your head into . What you think is what you create. So start to have faith in yourself and your dream. Henry Ford says it right “Whether you think you can or think you cannot , you are right.”

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