
7 ways to Avoid Distractions and Stay Focused “Your results are the product of either personal focus or personal    distractions. The choice is yours.” Every time we decide to complete a work and try to focus, we fell prey to distractions. There are so many things all around, how   a single being cope up with everything and yeah ! single handedly.There are many   times when we take a task and are not able complete it even after   24 hours!. Hey you , StOp! Don’t panic ,we all are social beings and are designed to socialize. So keep it out of your mind that you will remain in peace without any distractions .But we can do something to minimize this. Here are some effective tips for you to avoid path breakers while working. 1 .      DON’T even try to be a multi-tasker : This is one of the biggest mistakes that you do . If you think that multitasking is a good thing then please drop that idea .Try to focus on a single task. This will increase your productivity.
7 Ways To Develop Positive Attitude " Even when i cant see the light at the end of the tunnel, I still believe it'there." Importance of success is something we all know. If we truly want to be successful then we must develop positive attitude in life. There are many times when we get frustrated from our studies or frighten   from our  grades .But there is nothing to worry about .All you need is to be hopeful and optimistic .This can be achieved by being consistently positive in your life. Take it easy ! It does not mean that you have to worry about every single negative thought you have in your mind and start doubting yourself.  Is the answer in any unwanted situation is  just "positive thinking" ?  Imagine you are walking down a street and someone informs you that your house is in fire. I bet you will get tense and all that creepy thoughts will come to your brain. And when you confirms the news , there will be no trace for positivity lectures!
Why planning our lives is important Are you  a non-planner or thinks that planning is a frustrating task?  Then you must read through.       "A goal  without a plan is just a wish" Planning is like sharpening a saw. If you saw away without sharpening your saw, no matter how hard you work, you are likely to cut less wood! Planning ultimately saves time and time is the most valuable resource you have between now and your goal. We all know that but hardly follow. Ugh, I know it is a burden. As a lazy being, I can tell you for sure that it is annoying. But when you will  flip the coin and start to focus more on its positive side, believe me it will create a difference. Importance of having a plan lies in fact that it allows you to systematically prioritize and make you do more in less time. It helps us to utilize our time at its best. It keeps you away from spending time on task that wouldn’t bring you closer to your goal. Any kind of plan is better th
Best places to download free E-Books Are you the one who is searching the web for free e-books and did not find anything? Are you looking for the next great book to fall in love with? Look no further   Hey thrifty bookworms, here are some places where you can find a large number of free e-Books. As we all know that e-books are a rage these days as many people are switching  to e-books than traditional books. Here is the list with review of some sites where  you can find  thousands of ebooks and for free !!!  You can click the link ( headings) to directly go to the website . Compare and choose what suits you best. 1.  Many Books Many books is one of the best resource for free books with having 50,000+ e-books with a lot of download formats. Key features: User friendly interface and easy to navigate. There are hundreds of books available in every possible genre and all of them are completely free. All you need is to signup to download the book. While downloading, yo
 How to reward yourself for studies  Procrastination has become a habit of me. I know I have been procrastinating on pretty much everything in my life but can't do anything . It starts to torment me .First I did not realize but then it become so hard for me to overcome.T his starts to reflect itself in my grades too. My grades were falling and I was helpless. Staying away from distractions during studies was a most difficult task for me . Many parents advice me to watch motivational   videos   in Youtube but it did not work for me because after two or three videos I ends up watching something else.  But this is also good in a certain way for I starts to think about some other ways to get into my studies again . One day I was lying in my bed as I usually do and an idea came to my mind -“ Can studies be like a treasure hunt ? ”Why not to reward myself whenever I accomplish my already planned goals.  You might be wondering “What she is talking about ?” Am I right? It i
Books to Read Books are one of my favourite topics to talk about. They can entertain and also teach us. Books have their own world. They can speak directly to our soul and make us realise that we are not alone in this world . "There is no friend as loyal as book." Here are some of the books which i have read and also recommend you to read. "The monk who sold his Ferrari" This is a story about Julian Mantle, a successfull lawyer, who used to live a life of luxury, dignity and power. One day in middle of a packed court room, he collapsed due to heart attack . He revived but decided to leave his stressfull life . After selling his beloved Ferrari, he went in quest of sprituality and true meaning of life and came to India . This book defines simplicity in every walks of life. If you want to be more -- 1.productive 2.positive 3.happy 4.determined to your mission 5 disciplined then you must read this book TO BUY THIS CLICK HERE:  https://a
Study Tips      Study is an important part of our life and when it gets organized and planned, it becomes more fruitful. Studying can be tiresome , specially when you are under a lot of pressure. Here are some useful tips for you to study better: Ø   STUDY FOR 30 MINUTES AT A TIME :     Uninterrupted study sessions of half hour are a must. Have multiple sessions of 30 minutes rather than 1 session of 2 hours! Our brain can easily retain information from the first and the last 15 minute of studying. This means that whatever you read in between will likely be forgetten.So in order to make into our long term memory, we must study only for 30 minutes at a time. Studying hours and hours will be like spending a whole day searching a grain from bushes and at the end of the day, it will be of no use! Ø   TAKE  A BREAK :                                                                                               After 30 minutes of studying, t